“How do you see your country’s economy shaping in the next 20 years?”

Posted by admin in UK Contributor / February 14, 2020

Name: Charlotte 

Age: 18

Hometown: Romford, England

The ultimate future for the British economy is uncertain, very uncertain. Having crawled out the recession by the skin of our teeth an even larger money monster is crawling out of the sewers, of course I’m talking about Brexit.

Unfortunately I missed the Brexit vote by a year or so meaning that I had no say in the matter but knowing what I do now all I can comment on is there seems to be a rocky path ahead for the British economy and by rocky I mean Brighton beach type of rocky. Now you may have noticed me using a lot of analogies and metaphors and that is for a reason because I am uncertain as to how to continue talking about the economic future brexit may bring because I just don’t know. Whereas there have been promises for great economic prosperity advertised on the side of a bus it is almost certain that none of that will come into fruition. Instead it is likely that we will be stuck in a form of purgatory for the next 5 years or so unsure whether we will strike a good enough trade deal with the rest of Europe or if we will have to venture out into the wider, scarier, world or industry and economics and increase our chances for a stable economy there. The pound dropped by a staggering amount when the Brexit vote results were first announced and there is no real indication if it will drop again soon or increase steadily over time. As I’ve said too many times there is no certainty within the British economy, we are walking into a new landscape which we haven’t dealt with for almost 50 years and our government seems even more uncertain what to do than I do (and that’s saying a lot).

Furthermore if it was just Brexit alone I would be worried about our economic future but of course it is not. Inflation has currently gone up about 3% meaning the cost of living has rose higher than real wages. This means that it costs more to live than you are currently earning, keeping that in mind spending could fall from this decreasing production, closing businesses and so living costs will increase again and spending would fall and the loop will go on and on. So yet again our economy looks bleak. The fact that we are also trillions in debt doesn’t help our prosperity either, of course many countries are in debt but it’s always frightening to consider just how much debt we are in. When considering my future and my job prospects the outlook does not look good. The economy has gone through so many changes over the past few years most do not know how to cope and it looks set to be the same in the years to come. I have no idea whether in the future if I’ll be able to afford my own house or even afford dinner, whether the uk’s economy will rise to its old position of economic wealth or if it will continue to decrease.


More about Charlotte:

I would describe myself as a full blown geek: I enjoy all things sci-fi and superhero and spend most of my free time on tumblr. Currently, I’m a huge fan of many TV shows such as ‘The Flash’, ‘Agents Of Shield’, ‘Gravity Falls’, ‘Supernatural’ and ‘Sherlock’. As well as loving loads of books like ‘Harry Potter’ and any movies based around marvel. I am also a huge fan of musical theatre, especially any work by ‘Team Starkid’, although I can’t sing for toffees. I love going to conventions and dressing up as my favourite fictional characters as well as being able to see celebrities in real life. I am a cat enthusiast and own 2 myself. (Lily and Lionel)

I love my city because it’s full of interesting people and wonderful architecture.

Author: admin

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